Sunday, December 15, 2013

Earthian Studies: Perfect van scene

festival going on and the road was packed. I sighed and leaned back in my seat. Traffic was practically at a stand still and my radio is still broken, so I have nothing to really entertain myself with. I stuffed my face full with candy and decided to kill the time by watching people in the park. There was a bunch of young Earthlings chasing those flying fluffy things. I think their called ducks. From behind me I heard a siren. I looked up into my rearview mirror and saw flashing red and blue lights.

            “Pull over!”

            A loud voice crackled out of the car behind me and I sighed. I pulled my car off to the side of the road. And parked the van. I rolled down my window and waited for the cop to get to my window. I’ve become familiar with this. I wasn’t surprised when the officer was in fact Leonard. This will be the fifth time I’ve had a problem with this guy. I think he has some sort of crush on me, or something. 
            “Do you know why I pulled you over?” the semi-plump man asked leaning into my window.

            “No officer, why did you sir?” I asked as calmly as possible.

            “Would you mind if I had a look in your van son?”

            “Go ahead.”

            I leaned back in my seat and listened as Leonard pulled the door of the van open. He let out a small gasp of horror.

            “Son, can you come here please.” Leonard demanded with a shaky voice.

            I unbuckled my seat belt and joined the man.

            “Explain all of this.”

            I stared at him in pure confusion, “What?”

            “What is the meaning of all of this! Why do you have a mattress in the backseat of your car, and a video camera, and a giant teddy bear?”

            “Well it’s exactly what it looks like.”

            “Yeah. I just picked up this mattress from my cousin’s friend because he was moving and didn’t want it any more. I figured I’d get rid of it for him since I’m the only one with a car big enough to transport it.”

            “How about the bear?”

            “It’s for my Aunt Janet. Today is her birthday and she loves bears so I got her a giant teddy.”

            Leonard stared at me in thought and had a look of annoyance on his face.

            “Then what about the video camera?”

            “I’m in charge of making a dvd for their home movie collection. I decided to buy a new camera because my Uncle’s is still doing VHS and I heard HD is a lot better.”

            “How about that shovel?”

            “I keep it for emergencies.”


            “Yeah, if I hit an animal I don’t like to just leave it in the middle of the road so I drag it off and burry it.”

            Leonard raised an eyebrow.

            “You burry it?”

            I scoffed.  “Wouldn’t you want to be buried instead of left in the middle of the road I mean honestly?”

            Leonard ignored my question and asked another.

            “What about the chain and the duct tape.”

            “If I ever need to be towed out of a ditch I have the rope, and if a piece of my car falls off I have duct tape. Didn’t you see my bumper?”

            Leonard examined the bumper that was being held up by a large quantity of the tape and turned to me. He stared for a few minutes and then closed the door of the van.

            “Alright smart guy, explain this.” He pointed at the sign. I rolled my eyes and stared at the man.

            “Sir seriously? If you saw that wouldn’t you want it?”

            Leonard continued to stare. Anger and annoyance was written all over his face.


            “Sir,” I paused to add a little bit of a dramatic affect, and because I couldn’t believe this man was so stupid, “I’ve been stuck in traffic.”

            Silence stretched between us. I don’t understand what the big deal would have been anyway.

            “But the bed, and the bear, and the camera and the candy,”

            “Candy is delicious sir. Would you like some? I think I have a piece of taffy you can have. Just don’t take the candy corn, those are my favorite!” I reached into the passenger side window and pulled out the bag, offering it to him.
            “NO!” He let out a cough and calmed himself. “No I don’t want any candy. Just get out of here.”

            “Thanks. See ya later sir,” I called and jumped into the drivers seat. Safely I merged into traffic and slowly inched my way home.

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